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How to Prepare for Wildfire Season

Learn a few tips to help protect your home from wildfires

California and the Bay Area have seen an increasing number of Red Flag Days in recent years - lengthening the fire season. According to CalFire, a Red Flag Warning is issued for weather events which may result in extreme fire behavior that will occur within 24 hours. A Fire Weather Watch is issued when weather conditions could exist in the next 12-72 hours. A Red Flag Warning is the highest alert. During these times, extreme caution is urged by all residents because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire.

A single ember on a windy day could destroy a whole neighborhood if residents do not take the necessary steps to ensure their safety and the safety of others. Here are a few tips to ensure you do your part to prepare for a wildfire.

Check your fire safety equipment within the home:

  1. Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors - make sure to test detectors regularly and make sure to change out batteries. Also, make sure they are in hallways outside of every bedroom and inside your kitchen.

  2. Check fire extinguishers - if you do not have one, get one.

  3. Make an evacuation plan - pack a bag, know your exit routes, and what you need to grab in case you need to get out fast.

Prepare your yard and create a defensible space:

  1. Clear yard of debris - keep gutters, porches, and the lawn free of debris, leaves, and fallen branches. If there is an imminent threat of fire, make sure to remove outdoor furniture and decorations from decks and porches including welcome mats.

  2. Trim branches 6 ft from the ground - fires start from the ground up. If you clear low flammable branches and shrubs, it could lower your risk of a fire climbing and speeding.

  3. Create a defensible space - create a 100 ft perimeter around your home or any structures on your property. This space should be free of dry leaves, grass, and shrubs that fuel wildfires. Keep petroleum tanks, cars, and wood piles outside of this safe zone.

Landscaping tips:

  1. Use rock instead of mulch around your lawn and home.

  2. Plant fire resistant plants - often times these plants are drought tolerant as well. Some plants to consider are lavender, lilac, ice plant, aloe, sage, and California fuchsia. Ask your local nursery for more fire resistant plant and landscaping ideas.

To learn more about protecting your home and setting up an action plan in case of a wildfire, check out the CalFire website.